RespoCough Protect ComboPack by PetAlive – Respo-K and KC Defense


RespoCough Protect ComboPack by PetAlive – Respo-K and KC Defense

3 in stock

SKU: 808-33E-DAE Categories: ,


KC-Defense™ (1 bottle) temporarily:

  • Relieves dry, hacking coughing and sneezing.*
  • Helps maintain a healthy respiratory system.*

Respo-K™ (1 bottle) temporarily:

  • Relieves symptoms of colds in pets.*
  • Supports a healthy immune system.*


KC-Defense™ is 100% homeopathic, contains these ingredients, and has the following indications (purposes): Bryonia 6C HPUS, Echinacea purp 3X HPUS, Ferrum phos 6C HPUS, Kali sulph 6C HPUS, Mag phos 6C HPUS, Plantago 3X HPUS.

  • Plantago (3X) is a homeopathic remedy that is well known for treating dry coughs. It is also an effective expectorant and anti-catarrhal and helps to expel mucus build up in the lungs. Plantago is also approved by the German Commission E for internal use to soothe throats and the mucous membrane irritation associated with upper respiratory tract infections. Clinical studies have supported its effectiveness in the treatment of bronchitis (Wegener T, Kraft K. “Plantain (Plantago lanceolata L.): anti-inflammatory action in upper respiratory tract infections”. Wien Med Wochenschr 1999;149(8-10):211-216.).
  • Bryonia (6C) is a proven natural remedy which is very effective for the treatment of coughs and dry mucus membranes, as well as the clearing of mucus from the chest.
  • Echinacea purp (3X) is one of the top selling ingredients for the treatment of colds, flu and other viral infections. Clinical trials have proved its effectiveness in supporting the immune system (Schoneberger D. “The influence of immune-stimulating effects of pressed juice from Echinacea purpurea on the course and severity of colds”. Results of double-blind study. Forum Immunol 1992;8:2-12.) (Taylor JA, Weber W, Standish L, et al. “Efficacy and safety of echinacea in treating upper respiratory tract infections in children: a randomized controlled trial”. JAMA 12-3-2003;290(21):2824-2830). Studies have shown that Echinacea works by preventing the formation of hyaluronidase – an enzyme that is known to break the cell barriers between healthy tissue and pathogenic organisms like viruses. This immune boosting herb has also been successfully used to restore immune functioning in patients who have undergone chemotherapy and during recovery and convalescence from major illness.
  • Ferrum phos (6C) is one of the most important biochemic tissue salts to use when there is any infection or inflammation in the body. It helps to distribute iron and oxygen throughout the body, strengthen cell walls and fight infection.
  • Kali sulph (6C) is a biochemic tissue salt that is essential for distributing life, giving oxygen throughout the body and keeping cell membranes in peak health. It is often called the ‘natural antibiotic’ of the tissue salts and together with Ferrum phos can treat both the initial, secondary and third stages of infection. Kali sulph is used for a variety of chest infections, including chronic cough, asthma, bronchitis and even pneumonia.
  • Mag phos (6C) is a natural painkiller and antispasmodic and is very helpful for bronchial spasms and other forms of spasmodic cough.
  • Inactive Ingredient: Organic Sucrose.


Respo-K™ is 100% homeopathic, contains these ingredients, and has the following indications (purposes): Calc sulph 6C HPUS, Ferrum phos 6C HPUS, Hepar sulph calc 12C HPUS, Sambucus nig 3X HPUS, Verbascum 3X HPUS.

  • Calc sulph (6C) is a biochemic tissue salt that is useful in relieving conditions including all infections, and also speeds up the natural healing process. Calc sulph can be used to relieve coughs, especially when phlegm is thin or watery, and treats sore, irritated throats.
  • Ferrum phos (6C) is another biochemic tissue salt that has many uses in the body. The most important benefits are in the ability of Ferrum phos to combat all types of infection and inflammation. Ferrum phos also helps to strengthen the walls of the blood vessels and thus improves the body’s ability to distribute oxygen-rich blood and iron to all cells, thereby facilitating healing. Ferrum phos is recommended at the first stage of any infection for fast resolution of the symptoms.
  • Hepar sulph calc (12C) is a homeopathic remedy for infections, skin ailments, earaches, sore throats and rattling coughs. It is particularly useful in inflammation of the throat and larynx, bronchitis and tonsillitis. It also accelerates the natural healing processes in the body.
  • Sambucus nig (3X) is a widely used homeopathic remedy for coughs, colds and flu. As a diaphoretic herb (causing perspiration) it is useful for relieving fever. It has also been studied for its ability to support healthy mucus levels in the nasal passages (Ueno K, Wang ZH, Hanamure Y, et al. “Reduced sialylation of glycoproteins in nasal glands of patients with chronic sinusitis.” Acta Otolaryngol 1997;117(3):420-423.).
  • Verbascum (3X) is a homeopathic remedy highly regarded for its ability to address blocked noses and chests and help facilitate easy natural breathing. These properties make Verbascum an excellent remedy for infections of the respiratory tract. This herb has also been proven to be especially useful for irritating coughs and bronchial congestion. It has been studied for its ability to support chest and nasal health (Serkedjieva, J. “Combined antiinfluenza virus activity of Flos verbasci infusion and amantadine derivatives.” Phytother Res 2000;14(7):571-574.).
  • Inactive Ingredient: Magnesium Stearate, Maltodextrin, and Sucrose.

How do I use KC-Defense™?

KC-Defense™ comes in convenient dissolvable granule form. The tiny granules are easy to administer to pets of all sizes and personalities with no fuss or bother! Administer every hour for up to 10 doses. Thereafter, administer 3 times daily for 14-21 days.

Cats: Large pinch of granules sprinkled into the mouth.
Dogs under 20 lbs: Large pinch of granules sprinkled into the mouth.
Dogs 20-50 lbs: 2 pinches sprinkled into the mouth.
Dogs over 50 lbs: 1/4 cap of granules sprinkled into the mouth.

KC-Defense™ may also be given before a stay in kennels or a cattery, or for 5-7 days before a visit to the vet, if possible.

Note: Safe for animals of all ages, pregnant animals or animals that are nursing. KC-Defense™ can safely be used along with prescription medications. No adverse interactions have been noted between the ingredients in KC-Defense™ and prescription medications. However, as with any medicine, it is always advisable to consult your vet.

How do I use Respo-K™?

Respo-K™ tablets may be given whole or crushed and mixed with food or a treat, depending on your pet’s size and preferences.

Administer 3-5 times daily for 10-15 days as follows:

Cats and Dogs under 20 lbs: 1 tablet.
Dogs 20-50 lbs: 2 tablets.
Dogs over 50 lbs: 3 tablets.

Continue for 3-5 days after the desired effect has been achieved.

Note: Safe for animals of all ages, pregnant animals or animals that are nursing. Respo-™K can safely be used along with prescription medications. No adverse interactions have been noted between the ingredients in Respo-K™ and prescription medications. However, as with any medicine, it is always advisable to consult your vet.

KC-Defense™ and Respo-K™ can safely be taken together on a daily basis. To review directions on how to use each of these products, please visit the ‘How to Use’ section on the individual product pages.

Additional information

Weight 0.3 kg


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